Expand description


Rust bindings for libsecp256k1-zkp, a fork of Pieter Wuille’s secp256k1 library.

This library re-exports everything from secp256k1 and adds bindings for the following modules:

  • generators
  • range proofs
  • pedersen commitments

As such, it can be used as a drop-in replacement for secp256k1. All types are interoperable (as long as you are dependening on the correct version) which means SecretKeys and the Context are interoperable.


pub extern crate rand;
pub extern crate secp256k1_zkp_sys;
pub extern crate serde;
pub use secp256k1_zkp_sys as ffi;


Constants related to the API and the underlying curve.
Support for shared secret computations.
Structs and functionality related to the ECDSA signature algorithm.
secp256k1-sys FFI bindings
Utilities for random number generation
Provides Scalar and related types.
Schnorr Signature related methods.


Represents the set of all capabilities with a user preallocated memory.
Represents all secret data involved in making a PedersenCommitment where one of the generators is blinded.
Represents an adaptor signature and dleq proof.
Represents a generator on the secp256k1 curve.
Error returned when conversion from an integer to Parity fails.
Opaque data structure that holds a keypair consisting of a secret and a public key.
A (hashed) message input to an ECDSA signature.
The result of rewinding a range proof.
Represents a commitment to a single u64 value.
A Secp256k1 public key, used for verification of signatures.
Represents a range proof.
Positive 256-bit integer guaranteed to be less than the secp256k1 curve order.
The secp256k1 engine, used to execute all signature operations.
Secret 256-bit key used as x in an ECDSA signature.
Represents the set of capabilities needed for signing with a user preallocated memory.
Represents a surjection proof.
Represents a tag.
Represents a blinding factor/Tweak on secp256k1 curve
Represents the set of capabilities needed for verification with a user preallocated memory.
A whitelist ring signature.
An x-only public key, used for verification of Schnorr signatures and serialized according to BIP-340.


Represents the set of all capabilities.
An ECDSA error
Represents the parity passed between FFI function calls.
Represents the set of capabilities needed for signing.
An ECDSA error
Represents the set of capabilities needed for verification.


The number 1 encoded as a secret key.
The zero Tweak


A trait for all kinds of contexts that lets you define the exact flags and a function to deallocate memory. It isn’t possible to implement this for types outside this crate.
Marker trait for indicating that an instance of Secp256k1 can be used for signing.
Trait describing something that promises to be a 32-byte random number; in particular, it has negligible probability of being zero or overflowing the group order. Such objects may be converted to Messages without any error paths.
Marker trait for indicating that an instance of Secp256k1 can be used for verification.


Compute a blinding factor such that the sum of all blinding factors in both sets is equal.
Verifies that the sum of the committed values within the commitments of both sets is equal.

Type Definitions

backwards compatible re-export of ecdsa signatures